Friday, August 17, 2012

Horses of Iron Springs Farm

White Horse and the Albino Gene

White Horse
If you think about it, you may have come to the realization that you have not seen a white horse. They do exist; however, they are extremely rare. There are some white horses that are albino, which means that they do not have a pigment to their skin, eyes, or hair. Every part of these horses is white. You may be wondering why they are so rare. This is because in most cases, these horses have a gene that is fatal to them. A lot of the albino horses do not survive even long enough to be born. The albino horses that are born typically die soon after they are born.

Where Did the Wild Horses Go?

Wild Horses
Wild horses are known as Mustangs. There used to be about 2 million of these amazing animals roaming throughout the United States 100 years ago; however, their numbers have greatly decreased. There are only about 25 percent left of what there once was. This is because people began taming the horses and using them to help with work that had to be done. In the wild, horses are herd animals, and they roam around together and assist each other to live. Nowadays, it is difficult to find herds of horses that roam about freely because most of them have been domesticated.

Artists are Interested in Horse Drawing

horse drawing
You will find that there are many artists around the world. Most of them specialize in drawing one thing or another. For example, some artists like to draw people while others prefer to draw inanimate objects. However, there are numerous people that are interested in horse drawing. This is because horses are beautiful animals that make pictures that are just as fantastic. If you take the time to practice horse drawing with just basic shapes, you will be able to draw the rough sketch of one in no time. After that, you will have to work on developing your own style that you can use to draw these majestic creatures.

Start Riding a Quarter Horse

Quarter Horse
The quarter horse is one of the most popular breeds of horses to this day. This is because when it comes to horses, this species has a very even temperament. When you are dealing with an animal that is as large as a horse, it is essential for the animal to be one that you can trust. For example, if you are just learning how to ride a horse, then it would be in your best interest to start on a quarter horse. This is because there is less of a chance of the horse deciding to run or buck you off. Once you have gotten good a horseback riding, then you can try your hand at riding other types of horses.

The Horse Industry is Large

The horse industry is one of the largest in the world. There are numerous people that either own or work with horses. When it comes to the industry, there are many different jobs and services that there are to do. In the United States, the horse industry is even larger than the motion picture industry's gross domestic products. If you take into consideration the work that goes into caring for horses, as well as different areas such as racing and showing, there is a lot of money to be made in the horse industry. There are millions of people that work with horses each day.

Mr. Ed was a Famous Horse

One of the most popular television shows in the United States in the 1960's was called Mr. Ed. This show caught a lot of people's attention because it was about a talking horse. It was a comedic sitcom that starred a golden palomino horse. In order for the horse to be able to perform in the television show, he had to learn numerous different tricks that many horses never had to learn how to do such as answering telephones, writing notes with a pencil, and unplugging a light. Of course, working with a horse was a rather difficult task, especially when it came to a star like Mr. Ed.

Caring for a Horse is Work

You may not have ever thought about it, but there is actually an industry that involves horses. Think about all of the different places that you see horses. Most people picture farms when they think about a horse, but there are many other areas of expertise that are involved in this industry. For example, there are numerous people that work in the area of taking care of horses. Caring for a horse is a lot of hard work, and if you own a horse, then you already know this is a fact. People that have a large amount of horses in their care depend on the help of others in order to get the work done.

Where to Find a Running Horse

Running Horse
One of the most popular places for you to visit to see a running horse is your local horse race track. You will be able to see these magnificent animals run as fast as they can around a track. Horse racing is a very popular sport. There are many people that like to go to the horse track and place bets on the ones that they believe will win the race. If you are lucky enough to bet on the correct horse, then you can win a large amount of money. You should learn about betting and horse racing before you head off to the race track.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Many Jobs in the Horse Industry

Horse Running on Beach 

When it comes to horses, there are a lot of people that have jobs that involve working in this industry. When you take the time to think about it, there are many different things that have to be done in order to care for a horse. There are many people in the United States that work with these animals on a regular basis. Some of these people are horse owners, while other people provide services for horses. There are even people that work in the areas of horse racing and performing in horse shows. When it comes to horses, there are a lot of people that are employed in this area.

The Fading and Non-fading Black Horse

Black Horse Picture

You may not have known this, but there are actually two different types of black horses. One of the types of black horse is extremely rare, while the other is not. The first type of black horse is considered to be a fading black horse. If you have one of these horses, then you will notice that as your horse gets older, its black color will begin to fade. However, the other type of black horse is known as a non-fading black horse. This means that the horse will stay an extremely dark black color throughout their entire life. These are the ones that are extremely rare.